What’s Going On with the Australian Property Market

Property Market

Greetings everyone! Today, we are here to delve into the fascinating world of the Australian Property Market. From recent trends to expert forecasts, we will provide you with valuable insights and analysis to keep you informed and ahead in this ever-changing industry.

The Australian property market has witnessed some significant developments, especially in terms of housing affordability. Saving for a standard 20% deposit in Sydney now takes a staggering 12.6 years, while the national average stands at 10 years. However, Melbourne has experienced a slight improvement, with the time required to save for a deposit decreasing from 10.2 years to 9.6 years. The SydneyMelbourne price divide has reached a series high of $343,000, further widening the affordability gap between the two cities.

Despite the challenging scenario in metropolitan areas, regional housing markets have shown some improvement compared to pre-pandemic levels. Affordability metrics have shifted positively, offering a glimmer of hope. However, the portion of income required to pay down a new home loan has risen to 46.2%, placing many households in mortgage stress territory. The rental market also poses affordability challenges, with rental prices soaring across major cities and regions, with the exception of Hobart and Canberra.

Key Takeaways:

  • Housing affordability continues to decline in Australia, with Sydney being the most challenging city to save for a deposit.
  • Melbourne has seen a slight improvement in housing affordability, providing some relief to potential homebuyers.
  • The rental market is facing affordability challenges, with rental prices surging in major cities and regions.
  • Regional housing markets have shown better affordability metrics compared to metropolitan areas.
  • The widening price divide between Sydney and Melbourne is impacting key workers and leading to negative internal migration trends.

Stay tuned to discover more about the latest trends, expert insights, and future forecasts for the Australian Property Market. We are excited to guide you through this exciting journey!

Housing Affordability Report: Worsening Affordability and Regional Market Recovery

According to the ANZ CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report, the housing affordability situation in Australia has deteriorated, particularly in Sydney. Saving for a standard 20% deposit now takes a staggering 12.6 years in Sydney, whereas the national average stands at 10 years. However, there is a glimmer of hope in Melbourne, where affordability has shown a slight improvement. The time required to save for a deposit has decreased from 10.2 years in 2018 to 9.6 years today.

While the metropolitan areas have seen affordability decline, the report highlights a positive trend in the regional housing market. Affordability metrics in regional areas have improved and are now comparable to those in capital cities. This recovery presents potential opportunities for buyers seeking affordable housing options outside of major urban centers.

The widening price divide between Sydney and Melbourne raises concerns, particularly for key workers who often struggle to afford properties in desirable locations. This has also contributed to negative internal migration trends, with individuals and families leaving these cities in search of more affordable housing alternatives.

Affordability Metrics Comparison:

City Time to Save for a 20% Deposit
Sydney 12.6 years
Melbourne 9.6 years

In light of these findings, it is evident that urgent measures are needed to address the worsening affordability crisis, especially in Sydney. Policy interventions and targeted initiatives could help create a more accessible property market for aspiring homeowners.

Rental Affordability Index: Crisis Worsening and Impact on Vulnerable Renters

The Rental Affordability Index reveals a worsening rental crisis in Australia, affecting both capital cities and regional areas. The lack of affordable rental options has had a detrimental impact on vulnerable renters, including pensioners and single parents. Rental affordability has worsened in all major Australian cities and regions, except for Hobart and Canberra.

The increased demand for housing, driven by population moves related to the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in soaring rental prices that are beyond the reach of many individuals and families. This leaves vulnerable renters struggling to secure suitable and affordable housing options.

According to the Rental Affordability Index, regional Queensland has the least affordable rental market, with average weekly rents standing at $553. This amount represents 30% of the average Australian income, making it incredibly challenging for renters to make ends meet.

It is important to note that renters across every capital city are in a worse position now compared to before the pandemic. The rental crisis has disproportionately impacted vulnerable populations, exacerbating existing socio-economic inequalities.

The Impact on Vulnerable Renters

Vulnerable renters, such as pensioners and single parents, have been hit hardest by the rental crisis. They face significant challenges in finding affordable and suitable accommodation, often having to allocate a large portion of their income towards rent.

The high rental prices, coupled with limited affordable options, put vulnerable renters at risk of housing insecurity and homelessness. This can have severe consequences on their overall well-being and quality of life.

“The worsening rental crisis in Australia is putting vulnerable renters at risk of homelessness and exacerbating socio-economic inequalities.”

Without accessible and affordable rental options, vulnerable renters are left in a precarious situation, struggling to meet their basic needs while also facing financial stress and housing instability.

Regional Areas vs. Capital Cities

The rental crisis is not limited to major capital cities but also extends to regional areas. Both regions and cities have experienced a decline in rental affordability, making it increasingly difficult for individuals and families to find affordable housing.

While Hobart and Canberra have seen some improvement in rental affordability, the same cannot be said for other regions and cities across the country. Renters in these areas are facing significant challenges in securing suitable and affordable housing.

The Rental Affordability Index highlights the urgent need for interventions and policies that address the rental crisis, particularly in regions and cities where affordability has worsened. It is crucial to ensure that vulnerable renters have access to safe and affordable housing options, regardless of their location.

Rental Affordability Index – Average Weekly Rents by City

City Average Weekly Rent
Sydney $530
Melbourne $430
Brisbane $410
Adelaide $385
Perth $380
Hobart $380
Darwin $415
Canberra $450

The table presents the average weekly rents for major Australian cities, highlighting the high cost of renting across the country. These prices further illustrate the challenges faced by vulnerable renters in securing affordable housing.

Rental Affordability Index

Another significant indicator of the strength of the property market is the rise in home loans. In October, housing loan commitments increased by 5.4% compared to the previous year. Notably, this rise in commitments has been observed in both owner-occupiers and investors. Overall, commitments have risen by 17.5% since February 2023, highlighting the positive growth in the property market.

To provide a clearer understanding of the data mentioned above, here is a table showcasing the changes in home building approvals and housing loan commitments:

Month Home Building Approvals (%) Housing Loan Commitments (%)
September 2023
October 2023 7.5 5.4

As the table illustrates, there was a fall in home building approvals in September, followed by a notable rise in October. Similarly, housing loan commitments showed a positive increase in October when compared to the previous year.

GDP Growth and Its Impact on Property Market

In the September quarter, the Australian economy experienced a 0.2% growth in GDP, reflecting a 2.1% growth since September last year. This growth was primarily driven by government spending and capital investment. The positive implications of GDP growth extend to the property market, indicating overall economic strength and stability.

However, it’s important to note that the pace of growth has slowed throughout 2023. Experts anticipate a continued modest growth rate in the property market for the coming year. While moderate growth may present challenges, it also offers opportunities for buyers and investors to make informed decisions.

GDP Growth and Property Market Impact

Economic Factors Influencing the Property Market

  1. Employment Rates: Low unemployment and job stability drive demand for housing, as individuals are more likely to invest in property when they have a secure income.
  2. Interest Rates: Lower interest rates often stimulate market activity by making mortgages and loans more affordable, encouraging borrowing and boosting property demand.
  3. Population Growth: Increasing population leads to increased demand for housing, driving up property prices.
  4. Construction Industry Performance: The performance of the construction industry affects housing supply, with increased construction leading to greater availability and potentially moderating prices.

“GDP growth is a vital indicator for the property market, as it reflects economic performance and influences buyer sentiment. Despite the slowdown in growth, steady and modest expansion can provide a stable foundation for the real estate sector.” – Real Estate Expert

Auction Market Trends and Clearance Rates

The auction market in Australia has seen varying clearance rates across different capital cities. Sydney has consistently shown the highest clearance rate at 66.9%, followed by Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Canberra. The national auction market reported a clearance rate of 61.5% during the penultimate weekend of 2023. While clearance rates were slightly lower compared to previous weekends, the December market continues to provide encouragement for most sellers, reflecting a strong demand for properties in the current market.

auction market trends

Regional Auction Market Highlights

Let’s take a closer look at the clearance rates in each capital city:

Capital City Clearance Rate (%)
Sydney 66.9
Melbourne 65.3
Adelaide 62.5
Brisbane 60.2
Canberra 57.8

Despite the slightly lower clearance rates, the auction market continues to show resilience and strong demand overall in the lead-up to the end of 2023.

Property Price Growth in 2023 and Forecasts for 2024

Australian property prices have shown steady growth throughout 2023, with a national annual growth rate of 5.42%. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including increased immigration following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a stronger demand for established homes. Higher construction costs and limited housing supply have also contributed to the growth in property prices.

Looking ahead to 2024, experts have varying forecasts for property price growth. However, most anticipate continued growth in the range of 5% to 7%. It is important to note that the extent of this growth may be influenced by several factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and ongoing affordability challenges in the housing market.

property price growth

As we move into the next year, it will be crucial to monitor these factors and their impact on the property market. Both buyers and sellers should stay informed about the latest market trends and seek expert advice to make well-informed decisions.

Housing Market Performance Across Capital Cities and Regional Areas

The housing market performance across Australian capital cities and regional areas has shown divergent trends. While Sydney and Melbourne are experiencing signs of weakening, with a slowdown in growth rates and an increase in listings volumes, other capital cities like Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane continue to record strong growth rates. This divergence can be attributed to differing supply and demand dynamics in these regions.

In cities such as Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane, the housing market is relatively under-supplied, resulting in surging sales volumes and higher demand. This has contributed to robust growth rates in these areas, as buyers compete for limited housing stock. The performance of the regional housing market has also been notable, with certain areas experiencing strong market conditions and increased buyer activity.

However, pockets of Sydney and Melbourne, particularly in the periphery of urban areas, have seen increases in listings volumes. This can be attributed to mortgage stress and challenges faced by homeowners, leading to a loosening of market conditions in these areas. These regions may present opportunities for buyers looking for more affordable options or those willing to invest in areas with potential for growth.

To provide a clearer comparison, here is a table showcasing the housing market performance across different capital cities and regional areas:

Location Market Condition
Sydney Slowdown in growth rates, increased listings volumes
Melbourne Slowdown in growth rates, increased listings volumes
Perth Strong growth rates, under-supplied market
Adelaide Strong growth rates, under-supplied market
Brisbane Strong growth rates, under-supplied market
Regional Areas Varied market conditions, pockets of strong performance

It’s important for potential buyers and investors to be aware of these contrasting market conditions when making decisions. While some areas may present opportunities for growth and investment, others may require careful consideration and research. Having a clear understanding of the local housing market and seeking expert advice can help navigate these varied market dynamics.

Housing Market Performance

Source: Data compiled from housing market reports and expert analysis.

First Home Buyers and Market Conditions

The market conditions for first home buyers in Australia remain challenging. Affordability metrics show that a significant portion of a median income is needed to service a new mortgage, with mortgage rates needing a substantial decline to bring down the portion of mortgage payments to comfortable levels.

While affordability challenges persist, there are still opportunities for wealthier first home buyers to enter the market. Areas on the periphery of Sydney and Melbourne, where market conditions are loosening and listings volumes are rising, may offer more options for first-time buyers.

Market Conditions Opportunities
Mortgage rates Listing volumes in the periphery
Affordability metrics Wealthier first home buyers
Challenges for median income Loosening market conditions

Note: The table provides an overview of the market conditions and opportunities for first home buyers in Australia.

Consumer Sentiment and the Property Market

Consumer sentiment regarding the property market in Australia is currently pessimistic, with concerns about further rate rises and living frugally in 2024. Many prospective buyers believe it is not a good time to buy a house. However, softer market conditions in the coming year may entice some wealthier first home buyers.

The government’s “Help to Buy” program, offering equity contributions for eligible buyers, may also support urban spread and gentrification of overlooked suburbs in 2024. This initiative aims to address the challenges faced by buyers in terms of affordability, interest rates, and the cost of living.

While the sentiment among buyers reflects their current apprehension, these market conditions present opportunities for astute buyers who are ready to take advantage of potential price reductions and government support programs. The property market is ever-changing, and it’s essential for buyers to stay informed and make decisions that align with their financial goals and circumstances.


What is the current state of the Australian property market?

The Australian property market has experienced a rebound, with steady growth throughout 2023. Property prices have shown a national annual growth rate of 5.42%.

Is housing affordability improving in Australia?

No, housing affordability in Australia has worsened, particularly in Sydney. It now takes 12.6 years to save for a standard 20% deposit in Sydney, while the national average is 10 years. Melbourne has seen a slight improvement in affordability, with the time taken to save for a deposit decreasing from 10.2 years to 9.6 years.

What is the rental affordability situation in Australia?

The Rental Affordability Index reveals a worsening rental crisis in Australia, affecting both capital cities and regional areas. Rental prices have increased in all major Australian cities and regions, except for Hobart and Canberra.

What are the concerns regarding the property market rebound?

Property experts warn that the reliance on the “bank of mum and dad” as a funding source for first home buyers is entrenching inequality and creating conditions for another property boom.

What is the outlook for the Australian property market in 2024?

The outlook suggests modest growth, driven by economic forces and affordability challenges. Property prices are expected to continue growing between 5% to 7% into the next year, but factors such as population growth and financial stressors may influence demand and prices.

What is the government’s new migration strategy and its impact on the housing market?

The Australian government’s new immigration strategy aims to address concerns about the rapid influx of migrants and the strain it puts on housing markets. Net overseas migration is forecasted to fall significantly, which may alleviate pressure on the housing market and infrastructure.

What is the impact of home building approvals on the property market?

Home building approvals have seen fluctuations in recent months. While there has been a rise in approvals, it does not guarantee immediate construction due to financial viability concerns at current market prices.

How does GDP growth impact the property market?

The Australian economy experienced a 0.2% growth in GDP in the September quarter, reflecting overall economic strength and stability. However, growth has slowed, and experts anticipate a continued modest growth rate in the coming year.

What are the trends in the auction market?

The auction market in Australia has experienced varying clearance rates in different capital cities. Sydney had the highest auction clearance rate at 66.9%, followed by Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Canberra. The national auction market reported a clearance rate of 61.5% in the penultimate weekend of 2023.

What are the property price forecasts for 2024?

Property experts generally expect continued growth between 5% to 7% in 2024. However, the extent of growth may be influenced by factors such as inflation, interest rates, and affordability challenges.

How is the housing market performing across different areas?

The housing market performance across Australian capital cities and regional areas has been divergent. While Sydney and Melbourne have shown signs of weakening, Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane continue to experience strong growth rates.

What are the market conditions for first home buyers?

Market conditions for first home buyers remain challenging in terms of affordability. While there are opportunities for wealthier buyers, areas on the periphery of Sydney and Melbourne may offer more options for first-time buyers.

What is the sentiment among buyers regarding the property market?

Consumer sentiment regarding the property market in Australia is currently pessimistic, with concerns about further rate rises and living frugally in 2024. However, softer market conditions in the coming year may entice some wealthier first home buyers.

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